Massachusetts Food System Collaborative
Massachusetts Food System Collaborative


Updates on policy, programs, and perspectives from the MA food system.

Challenges facing Massachusetts farms: land, education, regulation, and economic and financial sustainability

December 17, 2020

The second in the MA Food System Collaborative’s discussion series focused on the challenges facing Massachusetts farmers.  Jeff Cole, agricultural network coordinator at the Collaborative, spoke about the issues that surfaced during the listening sessions the organization held over the summer. Many government programs disadvantage BIPOC communities, he said, and many programs and grant opportunities […]

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Furthering Racial Equity through Local Food System Work and Policy Development

December 9, 2020

The keynote panel of the MA Food System Collaborative’s discussion series demonstrated the ways that Massachusetts organizations are working to address racial equity in their local food system work. Systemic racism is like bad soil, said facilitator Liz Wills O’Gilvie. Until we improve the soil, we won’t be able to grow good food or do […]

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Learning from COVID: The need for local food system resilience in the face of climate change

November 13, 2020

Disruption caused by the COVID pandemic, and Massachusetts’ state and local responses to that disruption, highlight the impact and benefit our food system has on all of us. COVID’s acute impact on our food system also exposed systemic issues that, if not addressed, will become more problematic through the unrelenting pressures caused by climate change. […]

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Register for the 2020 MA Food System Forum

November 13, 2020

This has been a turbulent year for Massachusetts’ local food system. Organizations and businesses have had to adapt their programs, address changing needs, and continue to operate safely in response to COVID-19. There has been a resurgence of energy in the Movement for Black Lives, as the pandemic disproportionately impacted communities of color.  In lieu […]

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Massachusetts’ Local Food System: Perspectives on Resilience and Recovery

October 28, 2020

“Every bite each of us takes has been shaped by a complex range of forces, some in our control and others well outside of our control. By endeavoring to understand those forces better, and to play a more active role in influencing them, Massachusetts residents are working toward a food system that better meets the […]

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Climate Change Legislation Will Impact the Local Food System

August 25, 2020

The food system and climate change are deeply entwined issues. From farming and fishing, to processing and distribution, to food waste and public health, every part of the food chain relies upon and impacts natural resources that, in turn, are related to climate change. The Massachusetts Local Food Action Plan highlights these connections, and calls […]

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Resilient Lands Initiative Seeks Input

August 25, 2020

The Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs’ (EEA) Resilient Land Initiative (RLI) is an effort to solicit input from Massachusetts nonprofit organizations, municipalities, state agencies, landowners, and residents to draft and implement a new Statewide Land Conservation Initiative. The initiative has released a draft summary of the findings and recommendations. The document recognizes the importance […]

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Small parcel white paper

June 11, 2020

Since the 1940’s farmland in MA has been steadily converted to other uses. From 1940 to 2017, 1,446,300 acres, 74.6% of our farmland has been lost to development, resulting in a patchwork of noncontiguous farmland and parcels of farmland and former farmland that are fewer than five acres in size. At the same time, farming […]

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A Resilient Local Food System: Conversations to help the Commonwealth recover

June 11, 2020

As we work to respond to and recover from the public health crisis, the Collaborative is launching a process to help develop recommendations for the local food system and shape our priorities for the future. The COVID-19 outbreak and the responses implemented to mitigate its further spread have altered every part of Massachusetts’ local food […]

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Guidance on safely opening Farmers Markets

June 11, 2020

As the COVID 19 pandemic expanded, local boards of health and other municipal bodies, along with market managers, vendors, and shoppers, understandably became concerned about how to operate farmers markets safely. Most winter markets were cancelled and some summer market openings were put on hold.   Following the release of state guidance from MDAR and […]

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Massachusetts Food System Collaborative